Tuesday, September 21, 2010

If It's Not One Thing It's A Mother

Hey girls! It seems like forever from Sunday  to Wednesday. Wednesday should totally rock. It's so cool when we get to visit other youth groups, fellowship and basque in God's greatness - not just look at the cute guys in the other groups. Come on now, you know you look.

My mother and I have been working on a yard sale for the weekend. Not what I really wanted to do in the end but I was out-voted. It reminded me about how our parents can be good for us and bad for us. Parents are human and make mistakes, too. I was reminded of Jonathan. (in the Bible...stay with me) His dad was Saul. (1 Samuel 18:1-19:6) Saul was a bad dude. Sure he was king, but he was a coward and bully. He backed down from fighting Goliath to let a little guy named David go in there and beat the pants off Goliath. Then what did Saul do? He was ticked at David and was afraid David would be more popular than him. Know anyone at school like that? Someone doesn't have the moxy to do something so when someone else does, the first person resents the second person. Geez.

Well, Saul had a son, Jonathan. He watched his father and saw him for who he was; slime-bag. While he respected his father because he was his father regardless, he knew there was a better way to behave and live. He chose God's way.

It may be the same for you. Whether your parents don't take their faith serious if they are Christ followers or maybe they aren't Christ followers and their lifestyle is hurtful to you - you have the power to make different choices. You are free to choose.

Jonathan's choice to sacrifice his place on the throne and give it to his BFF David to fulfill God's plan is completely out of character for his father, Saul. Jonathan chose to be different - to be the man God created him to be just as God created you to be. He has an awesome purpose for you - every day - every minute. It's not all about parting seas and killing giants.

It's not easy loving our parents all the time. I'm sure they would say the same. We love and respect them because God tells us to. It doesn't mean we have to follow their path.

If you want to know more about finding your own path - give me a shout! Let's explore it together. Let's discover what great future He has for you. Remember the verse in Jeremiah???????????? LEARN IT! KNOW IT! LIVE IT!

Oh yeah, lol, we are going to be doing just that starting Wednesday October 20 - remember? We will begin our "One Girl Can Change the World" study. During this study we will be digging deep to find our purpose and the plans God has for us. Should be awesome. Yes, there will be food, too.

Love you all!!!
Pamela and Cassie

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